Galileo Adult Education Centre Art Hive

Current status: 


Galileo Adult Education Center
10921 Gariépy
H1H 4C6 Montreal Nord , QC
Quebec CA
Opening Hours: 

The Hive is open during school hours;

Mon to Fri from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

If you are interested in seeing our space, please set up a visit with us!

Contact information: 

Please contact Erica Nicole Onofrio if you would like to plan a visit at

Key words: 

The "Galileo Hive" is a space to express oneself in a free and non-judgmental fashion.

We work on team building as well as creating a space where sharing  with one another is possible. 

This encouraging atmosphere brings the students back to the space week after week, always excited to create.

The arts are such an important part of our program at the Galileo Adult education SIS Program, as it allows for such beautiful expression and a sense of equality between all students.

This Art Hive is only open to our students for the time being. Please contact us to book a visit.

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