Heartwood Hub Art Hive

Current status: 


Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary
220 Harmony Lane
95542 Garberville , CA
United States
California US
Opening Hours: 

Varies Seasonally: Generally 9:00 am to 9:00 pm daily  (spring and summer)

                                           9:00 am to 5;00 pm daily ( fall and winter )   

Contact information: 

George Lea, Art Programs Manager, Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary, 220 Harmony Lane, Garberville, CA 95542 phone: office 707-923-5001 email: art@heartwoodhub.com  or pctcascades@gmail.com

The Art Dept. at Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary, is currently exploring ways of merging Artist Collectives, Artist Residencies, Makers Spaces, and a community based Art Hive. Workshops and Conferences are currently being planned for 2020, and are expected to become a regular part of the Art Dept.'s offerings. This process is being facilitated by George Lea, Art Programs Manager at Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary and the Heartwood Community Hub.

For general informatione about Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary and it's Art Dept. visit www.heartwoodhub.com  

George Lea the Art Program Manager may be contacted via email at art@heartwoodhub.com with specific inquiries you may also request to be added to our mailing lists for further information on Heartwood's course offerings and opportunities.

Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary is situated on 200 wilderness acres in the mountains of Northern California, the campus includes both community kitchens as well as a commercially licensed kitchen, ammenities in addition to the art department include a non-denominational straw bale temple, classrooms, a hot tub, a outdoor bromine pool (seasonal), and sauna.  


The Art Dept. is pleased to announce "Art Camp for Adults: Building the Hive" Aug. 7th thru the 16th 2020. Further Information and registration details can be found at: www.heartwoodhub.com/event/art-camp-for-adults/

This class will be more fun than a barrel full of Art Gorillas! The emphasis of this eight-day intensive workshop is to build collaborative and leadership skills, in a creative socially active atmosphere. We learn by doing. We will work cooperatively as individuals and as a collective to identify projects, themes, resources, and processes that will bring us together to address common goals as an Art Hive Collective.

Art Camp is facilitated and led by George Lea ( Heartwood’s Art Programs Manager). He is passionate about the transformative power Art Collectives can have on communities and the lives of those who reside within them. From the moment class starts Saturday morning Aug. 8th it will be “hands-on and minds-on”  in a creative process that is likely to change your perception of “what you can do” by the time the class concludes Saturday evening Aug. 15th.  

The following bullet points emphasize the process by which an Art Hive Collective and Collaborative Art Project will be built. Diverse mediums are utilized to accomplish these goals. The class has been designed to sharpen abilities at both creative and critical thinking, and basically flows as follows:

Introductions: An opportunity to identify an individual’s expectations, talents, and potentials.
Project Themes and Selection: To be facilitated by the instructor through prompts and further developed through group participation.
Goals and Objectives: Really an integral part of any “valid theme”. What the project aspires to accomplish.
Resource Identification: What mediums, tools, and materials are available to the Collective Hive which will effectively express the themes, as well as address the goals and objectives.
Venue Identification and Public Engagement: Where will various aspects of the project be presented (with an emphasis on non-traditional venues).
 Authorship & Leadership: What does it mean? How can it be effectively managed and in many cases delegated to facilitate project completion and to further enhance creativity?
Project Documentation: An incredibly important component that should start from the beginning. This is how a project continues to live and can enable it to reach a broader audience.
Project Presentation: In some cases, this will be a grand finale, in many cases, it’s an ongoing process involving a variety of project components.
Impacts and Outcomes: An assessment of what was accomplished, a useful tool that refines working processes for individuals as well as for the collective whole.

Note: The tools of the trade are diverse on these types of art projects and may include: documentation, photography, painting, sculpting, costuming, music, the written word, performances,  land art, pop-ups, dance, skits, site-specific installations, and more. The point of the class is to engage in as many aspects as possible, discovering new talents and strengths that we can bring to our work.    

      No prior experience is required for adults that wish to participate, though we encourage those from a variety of art disciplines or with arts administration experience to register. 

For more about Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary or to register for "Art Camp" please visit us at: www:heartwoodhub.com/event/art-camp-for-adults/




Funded by: 

Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary in collaboration with the Art Dept. and area residents

Website designed and maintained by Percolab