Sunday, August 22nd from 2-5 pm, outdoors at the Blue Quill Community League
Sunday, August 29th from 2-5 pm outdoors at the Canora Community League
Inclusive ART HIVE Initiative and our series of Sunday ARTdays are the brainchild of Jillian Paschen and Stephanie Shochat-Gruss. Our group came into being in the spring of 2021 as people were ripe for artful community interactions, having been sheltering at home because of Covid-19 for many months. We received some funding from Participatory Edmonton and substantial encouragement and support from both Canora and Blue Quill Community Leagues. Our first four events were attended by 255 enthusiastic art makers of all ages and genders, from many cultural backgrounds. We are looking forward to hosting two more events in the final weeks of August 2021.
We also plan to offer School ARTdays, an art hive program for grade 4-7 students. This would be available through the local public school system, circumstances allowing!
Jillian is an art therapy practicum student in the final year of her Master of Psychotherapy and Spirituality. She is currently affiliated with MJB Psychological Services Ltd.
Stephanie is an artist and Expressive Arts Therapist who runs her own practice, Expressive Arts Space. Learn more at expressiveartsspace.com.
Check out our new YouTube video: Sunday Art Day - YEG Arts Now!
Inclusive ART HIVE Initiative | Participatory Edmonton | Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues