Le Milieu, Coopérative de Solidarité Créative

Current status: 


Le Milieu
1251 rue Robin
H2L 1W8 Montreal , QC
Quebec CA
Opening Hours: 

Tuesday: 11-8
Wednesday: 11-8
Thursday: 11-8
Friday: 11-8
Saturday: 11-5

Contact information: 

By email:

By phone:
(438) 932-1251

(514) 566-4954


Le Milieu is a solidarity cooperative that offers a dynamic space open to all. We aim to cultivate personal and collective growth, active inclusive participation within the community, and sustainable living principles through art, food and dialogue. Our open studio and skillsharing space welcomes everyone as an artist and an empowered and knowledgeable community member. Our café offers affordable, healthy, vegetarian homemade food and is a major funding stream of our organization. Coop Le Milieu acts as a dream incubator and launching platform for creative and entrepreneurial initiatives emerging from its community. VALUES Le Milieu believes that … 1. "Abundance is a communal act, the joint creation of an incredibly complex ecology in which each part functions on behalf of the whole and, in return, is sustained by the whole. Community not only creates abundance – community is abundance. If we could learn that equation from the world of nature, the human world might be transformed.” - Paul Rogat Loeb 2. Art and food as tools that, through making and sharing, keep individuals and communities healthy 3. Sustainable living principles hold individuals accountable to each other and the planet 4. Dialogue and creative expression bridge differences and create connections 5. Considering all voices, collective decision making and working together within the community encourages inclusivity. 6. Accessible, open, and diverse spaces foster respect and understanding. 7. A generous spirit and open heart cultivate love and gratitude within individuals and communities.

Funded by: 

Support de notre communauté / Support from our community (55%)

Emploi Québec

CDEC Centre-Sud/Plateau Mont-Royal

Caisse Desjardins d'Économie Solidaire

Co-op Education Program, Concordia University

Éco-Stage Katimavik

Website designed and maintained by Percolab