Open Art Hive

Current status: 


The Cherry Arts Studio at Arthaus
130 Cherry Street
14850 Ithaca , NY
United States
New York US
In person
Opening Hours: 

1-3pm First and Third Sundays. Schedule can change. Please check out our Facebook page for up to date info:


Contact information: 

Kate Laux


Last updated: 
Thursday, July 6, 2023 - 00:00


About Open Art Hive

Open Art Hive is hosted at Cherry Arts Studio 1st and 3rd Sundays 1-3pm. It's co-run by art therapists, artists, Arthaus residents and community participants. All are welcome! Materials provided. Bring your ideas, bring your skills to share. See you there!



Funded by: 

Volunteers with lots of support from The Cherry Arts

Publishing terms: 
I have read and understood the terms
Website designed and maintained by Percolab