S.A.Y (stories-art. you) is a project that started in September 2013 in Malmö, Sweden. It is more than a project, it is an initiative, a movement, will to create a positive change in the society. S.A.Y. is primarily for youngsters and young adults with experience of migration but aims to reach the society in the whole.
S.A.Y. is about questioning who´s stories and voices are being heard and seen in the society. It is about learning from each other, expressing ones questions and stories in a creative way. During 2014, the S.A.Y. group worked with an art exhibition that opened up in the beginning of December 2014in Moderna Museet in Malmö. The exhibition which was called The Wounded Dream used different forms and techniques such as sculptures, films, poems and paintings with the theme of freedom and its opposite.
Right now, S.A.Y. is working on a film called The Effect of War with the help of three subgroups: the art group, the film group and the writing group. The goal is to finish the film before the end of the summer to be able to screen it at festivals in the autumn. Besides that, S.A.Y. is dreaming about creating its own space, which would be open to everyone, filled with creativity, social and art activities, and which would be the reason for people from various backgrounds and cultures to meet and co-create positive change through artistic activities.
MUCF (Myndigheten för Ungdoms- och Civilsamhälletsfrågor)