Skátne Ionkwatehiahróntie' Community Art Hive

Current status: 


Zoom Link Kahnawake , QC
Quebec CA
Opening Hours: 

Sundays from 11:00-1:00

Contact information: 

The purpose of Skátne Ionkwatehiahróntie' Community Art Hive is to deliver a free weekly Art Hive in a virtual format that focuses on building support networks, addressing pandemic stress and developing coping strategies though art within the Kahnawake community and surrounding sister communities. This Art Hive is facilitated by Art Therapist Megan Kanerahtenha:wi Whyte and co-hosted with invited guests from different sectors of the community (Indigenous elders, artists, knowledge keepers, KSCS workers etc.). The format of the Art Hive consists of a two-hour session held over Zoom every Sunday from 11:00-1:00 in which participants are invited to connect using household materials to explore specific themes over lunch. Themes will be selected based on the moon phase cycle to frame the exploration of pandemic stresses.

For each session attended, community members will be entered into a draw for a local artisan item at the end of the month for a total of 12 door prizes. Names will be drawn on Facebook live.

The overall goal of the program is to decrease social isolation and pandemic stress during COVID-19 by creating a safe virtual place to build networks, express oneself and explore new coping strategies through art-making. The intension is to build a community around the arts that increases accessibility to and normalizes self-care, with particular focus around pandemic stresses (i.e. social isolation, loss of routine/normal life, distance from family, children returning to school/homeschooling, having a pre-existing condition, being an essential worker etc.).

Funded by: 

Kahnawake Shakotiia'takehnhas Community Services (KSCS)

Website designed and maintained by Percolab