Spirited Art Studio

Current status: 


Robertson-Wesley United Church
T5N 1N3 Edmonton , AB
Alberta CA
Opening Hours: 

Presently open Monday evenings, from 7-9pm except holiday Mondays (when the church is closed).

Contact information: 

Laura Foster at spiritedartstudio@rwuc.org


We are running our inclusive open art studio program in our Spirited Art Studio, from 7-8:30 pm Monday evenings and 1:30-3 pm Wednesdays. Also we have the Art studio open on the night of the free community which is the first Saturday each month, after dinner at 5:15 - 6:45 pm. The space and for this program is graciously provided by Robertson-Wesley United Church. It is in the basement of the church building, an architectural gem, with barrier free access.  It is open to the public at no cost. The studio brings people together in an artistic environment in the spirit of community and friendship.  The program began September, 2015. We have lots of art material and media available for artists (all participants).  We usually provide an art directive; a concept to explore for the evening. Artists are also welcome to help themselves to all art supplies to explore their own ideas. We encourage kindness, respect, creativity, and imagination.  For more information, please contact Laura at spiritedartstudio@rwuc.org or go to the website: https://www.rwuc.org/studio/  

Funded by: 

Funding is provided by Robertson-Wesley United Church.





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