Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-7:30
To see if this is the program for you, contact
Heather Mac at 902-717-1672 or
The Spot is a free, drop-in youth music & arts arts program, helping priority youth to connect, express themselves, and get mentorship from local artists and musicians in a safe and supportive creative atmosphere.
The Spot has a recording studio, musical instruments, art supplies, and a variety of artists with experience in these areas that are willing to share their knowledge. They’re here if you would like help with something, but you’re also free to create on your own and make use of the supplies we have.
If you are under 30 and want to explore your creativity, you can:
Paint, Draw, Sculpt, Make Photos/Videos, Write Stories, Songs or Poems, Play Music, Sing at The Spot!
This program is a partnership between Youth Art Connection and Connections Halifax
The Spot is run by Youth Art Connection (YAC) and Connections Halifax in Halifax’s Pavilion building on the Commons (across from the Oval) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
Thank you for supporting! Donations over $20 are eligible for a charitable receipt and can be made at youthartconnection.ca/donations or via a cheque made out to “Youth Art Connection” with a note that its for “The Spot” and mailed to: 5553 Bloomfield St, Halifax, NS, B3J 1S7