Working Name - SIUE/STL Art Hive

Current status: 


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Department of Art & Design
Campus Box 1774, Art & Design West, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
62026 Edwardsville , IL
United States
Illinois US

We are beginning the first, (of what we hope will evolve into many,) Pop-Up Art Hive in Edwardsville as part of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Art Therapy Counseling Program. We will explore the Art Hives model and start with our students, then our home department of Art & Design. We are exploring relationships with our Sustainability program, the Counseling Center, the Multicultural Center, and other collaborators on campus. We additionally are in conversation with community partners in the St. Louis area who are also interested in the Art Hive model.  We look forward to coming back to the site to update our activity and description as the work evolve

Funded by: 

Currently supported by the SIUE Art Therapy Counseling Program

Website designed and maintained by Percolab